
Parents's Care and Love Build Powerful Brain

What's the difference between these two brains?

"The picture is of the brains of two three-year-old children. It’s obvious that the brain on the left is much bigger than the one on the right.But why is one so much bigger? Because one was loved by its parents and the other neglected – a fact that has dramatic implications."

"The brain on the right lacks some of the most fundamental areas present in the image on the left. Those deficits make it impossible for that child to develop capacities that the child on the left will have: the child on the right will grow into an adult who is less intelligent, less able to empathise with others, more likely to become addicted to drugs and involved in violent crime than the child on the left. The child on the right is much more likely to be unemployed and to be dependent on welfare, and to develop mental and other serious health problems.The primary cause of the extraordinary difference between the brains of these two three-year-old children is the way they were treated by their mothers. "

"The child with the much more fully developed brain was cherished by its mother, who was constantly and fully responsive to her baby. The child with the shrivelled brain was neglected and abused. That difference in treatment explains why one child’s brain develops fully, and the other’s does not."

"Professor Allan Schore, of UCLA, who has surveyed the scientific literature and has made significant contributions to it, stresses that the growth of brain cells is a “consequence of an infant’s interaction with the main caregiver [usually the mother]”. The growth of the baby’s brain “literally requires positive interaction between mother and infant. The development of cerebral circuits depends on it.”Prof Schore points out that if a baby is not treated properly in the first two years of life, the genes for various aspects of brain function, including intelligence, cannot operate, and may not even come into existence."

"Suffice it to say that there is now a very substantial body of evidence that shows that the way a baby is treated in the first two years determines whether or not the resulting adult has a fully functioning brain."

"Eighty per cent of brain cells that a person will ever have are manufactured during the first two years after birth. If the process of building brain cells and connections between them goes wrong, the deficits are permanent."

"Many different approaches have been tried, from intensive supervision to taking young offenders on safaris, but none has worked reliably or effectively. Recent research indicates that a large majority – perhaps more than three quarters – of persistent young offenders have brains that have not developed properly. They have, that is, suffered from neglect in the first two years of life, which prevented their brains from growing." 

For the full article please click here


Age of Four Is A Critical Time In The Development of The Brain

A study has found that if just ten children’s books are to hand when a child is four, a part of their brain involved in language and thought matures more quickly by the age of 18 or 19.Access to educational toys and trips to the zoo and amusement parks also help.
However, if introduced at the age of eight, these books and treats seem to have little impact on the brain, suggesting the age of four is a critical time in the development of the brain, the Society for Neuroscience’s annual conference in New Orleans heard.
The University of Pennsylvania study comes amid concern that youngsters are abandoning books in favour of TV and computer games.
 Researcher Martha Farrah said: “In the course of brain maturity during childhood and adulthood, the cortex becomes thinner... so you are left with a lean, mean machine.” - Daily Mail


Say NO to Screen Based Technology 3

A summary from a great article that clearly state that how important is social interaction in developing baby's normal brain function.

"So much of a toddler's learning involves social interaction, and early intervention that promotes attention to people and social cues may pay dividends in promoting the normal development of the brain and behavior," said Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D., Autism Speaks chief science officer and the study's lead author.

"ESDM, which combines applied behavioral analysis (ABA) teaching methods with developmental 'relationship-based' approaches, was previously demonstrated to achieve significant gains in cognitive, language and daily living skills compared to children with ASD who received commonly available community interventions. On average, the preschoolers receiving ESDM for two years improved 17.5 standard score points compared to 7.0 points in the community intervention comparison group. "

"Previous studies have found that typical babies and young children show more robust brain activity when they view social stimuli, such as faces, than when viewing objects. Children with autism have been found to show the opposite pattern. "Children receiving ESDM had greater brain activity while viewing faces and also had fewer social-pragmatic problems and improved social communication, such as the ability to initiate interactions, make eye contact, and imitate others," said MIND Institute researcher and co-author Sally Rogers, Ph.D"


ABA = Applied Behavioral Analysis 

ESDM = Early Start Denver Model (autism therapy)

ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder.

For the complete article click here


Say NO to Screen Based Technology 2


A study has found that if just ten children’s books are to hand when a child is four, a part of their brain involved in language and thought matures more quickly by the age of 18 or 19.
Access to educational toys and trips to the zoo and amusement parks also help.
However, if introduced at the age of eight, these books and treats seem to have little impact on the brain, suggesting the age of four is a critical time in the development of the brain, the Society for Neuroscience’s annual conference in New Orleans heard.
The University of Pennsylvania study comes amid concern that youngsters are abandoning books in favour of TV and computer games.


爸妈你们知道羊水吗?Parents Must Know Fact 2

爸妈你们知道吗?Parents Must Know Fact 2


Amniotic fluid [AF] amniotic fluid is positively correlated with the growth of fetus. From the 10th to the 20th week it increases from 25ml to 400ml approximately. From the 8th week, when the fetal kidneys begin to function, fetal urine is also present in the AF. Approximately in the 10th week the breathing and swallowing of the fetus slightly decrease the amount of AF, but neither urination nor swallowing contributes significantly to AF quantity changes, until the 25 week, when keratinization of skin is complete. Then the relationship between AF and fetal growth stops. It reaches the plateau of 800ml at the 28 week (gestational age). The amount of fluid declines to roughly 400 ml at 42 weeks ga.


Say NO to Screen Based Technology


“Children's brains are failing to develop properly because of over-exposure to screen-based technology, Baroness Greenfield warned”-The Telegraph

“A new study finds that autistic kids are fascinated by screen-based technology. In fact, adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) appear to spend a majority of their free time using or watching screen-based media.”-PSYCH Central

"The problem with this is that many modern technologies are very passive. Because of this, they do not provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial emotional, social, cognitive, or physical experiences they require when they are young. "-Scholastic


The Importance of Education

Piaget placed great importance on the education of children. As the Director of the International Bureau of Education  he declared in 1934 that "only education is capable of saving our societies from possible collapse, whether violent, or gradual."


Pregnancy Ultrasound Photos

I have been receiving a couple of question regarding how to read pregnancy ultrasound photos ,here are some great infos,enjoy :)

1) Pregnancy Ultrasound Photos Week by Week for Fetal Development

By Robin Elise Weiss LCCE 

2) How to Read Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans

3) Pregnancy ultrasound scans: an overview




 Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board  



4) Ultrasound Baby Gender Testing: Baby Boy or Girl?





Baby Horoscope

This is me :) Aquarius are those genre of people who believe the know everything. They are expected to be highly spirited, rebellious and extroverts. When it comes to them knowing things, believe it or not, they know most of it. In case they do not know about something and they are being corrected, you might find them jumping on your head without accepting the fact. Aquarians are found to have a futuristic vision. They are way ahead of the other sun sign in the matter of thoughts. They are not emotional. Sometimes they can be called stone hearted but remember, it just sometimes. In all they are this jovial set of people always bouncing around the place filling life into it.Aquarius man is known for his unpredictable nature. You would never know what he is up to. He has a fascinating personality. A girl might find herself attracted to him as he has most of the good looks a man could have :) (very accurate). They are bubbly by nature and are spontaneous. Like any other Aquarius individual, an Aquarius man is logical and practical. He can be a good best friend material .Are you looking for an unconventional lover, here you go! It’s the very same Aquarius man you are readingabout. He’s a good orator. He can impress people with his abilities and ensure things get done in a polished way.

Whether you already have a little one at home or you are an expecting parent, use this free tool to determine baby's name according to vedic astrology, read about the traits you can expect your baby to show, create little baby's free chart and get a number of other important information like lagna sign (Ascendant, the rising sign), birth star(Nakshatra), Moon sign and current operating dasha/bhukti.

Date Of Birth
Month :  Day :  Year : 
Time Of Birth (Please input 6:00 PM as 18:00)
Hours (1-24) :  Minutes : 
Day Light Saving Time :  War Time 
Country Of Birth : 
Latitude of birth place:    :  : 
Longitude of birth place: :  : 
Click here to find Long and Lat data(opens in a different window)


Reference :


The Art of Folding Diapers

The Art of Folding 

The Newspaper Fold

The Angle Wing Fold

The Short Fold

 The Bikini Twist


Type of Diapers

                               The Diapers

Flats Diapers

These are one-layer diapers, generally made out of 100% cotton gauze and are the most “old-fashioned” choice. The pros are that they dry extremely quickly and fit a large range of size. The cons of this type of diapers are the folding and pinning that are required.


This is type of diapers similiar to flats but with the different at the multiple layers with more layering in the middle. They are referred to as 2x6x2’s, 4x6x4’s, 4x8x4’s etc. These numbers refer to the number of layers in the sides and middle of the diaper (i.e., 4x6x4’s have 4 layers in the sides and 6 in the middle).


Fitted diapers have elastic at the legs and back and basically look like a disposable diaper.

All-in-ones are the absorbent part of the diaper and the cover combined into a single diaper, just like disposables. 

Pocket Diapers

These have a layer of fleece sewn to a cover (either fleece or PUL) with an opening in the back so that the inside of the diaper can be stuffed with any absorbant layer from CPF’s

Doublers and Liners

They're a great solution for naptime and overnights if you don't want to get a whole new diaper just for these heavier wetting situations